Home /top 5 Emerging Automotive Signals By Innovation Intensity And Maturity Top-5 Emerging Automotive Signals by Innovation, Intensity and Maturity

FutureBridge defines a Signal as an opportunity for advancement. This could be a technological improvement, as in the case of Generative AI to improve the accuracy of car virtual assistants, a crucial aspect of automotive innovation, or a new business model, e.g., monetization of Connected Car data, which is a trending aspect in the automotive industry. Signals help Innovation teams, R&D, and Strategy professionals, among others, identify opportunities for growth, transformation, and new product development in the context of automotive innovation.

FutureBridge Mobility team has identified 300 Signals across our coverage of Mobility CASES (Connected, Autonomous, Shared, Electric, Sustainable), which present strong opportunities for growth, especially in the realm of automotive innovation. The assessment addresses two questions in the context of the latest automotive industry trends:

  1. How strong is Innovation across key next-generation technologies in the automotive industry? FutureBridge assesses the strength of efforts by analyzing the volume of IP and Scientific Literature, the amount of news, and Start-ups, essential components of automotive industry trends.
  2. How fast is Innovation moving to enable advancements in the automotive industry?

In this webinar, FutureBridge’s Mobility experts will present their Opportunity Scouting and Monitoring methodologies and key findings, focusing on the latest automotive industry trends.

Technologies we will cover include, highlighting their relevance to automotive innovation:

  • Connected Mobility: 6G
  • AI: Generative AI and AI-Assisted Design
  • HMI: Metaverse
  • Blockchain: NFTs

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