Home Sugar Gummies – Reinventing as Healthy Sweets

Sugar-reduced gummies especially vitamin and mineral supplement gummies are becoming increasingly popular across the globe. One reason is the increased diabetic population while another strongest driver behind the growth is the increased demand for a convenient and fun form of intake of vitamins and minerals for general health & wellness and boosting immunity post covid.

The sugar-reduced gummies market has seen a surge in the demand, especially in North America and Europe. Well, there are many technical and regulatory challenges to reduced sugar gummies. With the growing sugar reduction taxes, governments, and regulatory bodies are creating pressure on industries to cut down sugar in food products including confections, and gummies that constitute more than 50% of sugar. It gets difficult for industries to comply with reduced sugar claims as per regulations. In addition, companies are facing challenges to make “natural” claims on sugar-reduced gummies as there are limited options available for natural sweeteners in gummies as per the current regulations.

The webinar will focus on the ways to reduce sugar in gummies and how companies should approach utilizing technical and regulatory opportunities to solve these challenges. The aspects covered will include:

  • the global gummies market and why gummies are becoming popular in dietary supplements
  • key trends seen in the new product launches in gummies including vitamin and mineral supplement gummies
  • regulatory scenario – challenges and opportunities for sugar-reduced gummies
  • regulations regarding nutrition/health claims for sugar-reduced gummies across the globe, & list of ingredients permitted and utilized for gummies
  • FutureBridge’s take on how the industry should prepare to strategize, innovate, and overcome these upcoming challenges

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