Home The Sweet Treat Mission to Replace Sugar with No Impact on the Experience

The Sweet Treat Mission to Replace Sugar with No Impact on the Experience webinar. For the majority of consumers, sweet treats must be indulgent. While health and wellness is a factor that consumers are paying closer attention to, they are always skeptical when switching to ‘healthier’ versions of their favorite treats. Therefore the sugar reduction process is extremely intricate.

FutureBridge’s Edward Bergen and  Sukanya Nag will look into the latest developments in the sugar reduction segment. Content will focus on successes and failures in achieving sugar reduction in the sweet treat segment, and how technologists and brands are not giving up on the holy grail aim, for truly indulgent treats, without any guilt.

The webinar will explore key on how to replace Sugar with No Impact on the Experience early-stage sugar reduction techniques and ingredients such as 3D printing, hollow sugar, and sweet proteins, and navigate where they are in the innovation and commercialization process.

Key takeaways will include:

  • Challenges facing the sugar reduction process, such as taste, texture, and shelf life.
  • What key players and technologies are worth tracking
  • What the latest patents and research publications can tell us about the future of sugar reduction
  • FutureBridge’s big bets for the sweet treat sugar reduction segment.

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