Home Technology Scouting And Market Foresighting For Ccu Technology Scouting and Market Foresighting for CCU

Quick overview

With growing focus on reducing GHG emission, our client, operating in industrial gases, wanted to understand the current status for conversion and utilization technologies, current status on the commercial products, demand of CO2-derived products for different applications/sectors, and competitors activities across the CCU value chain.

Client success details

The support and insights FutureBridge delivered, helped our client in understanding the addressable market for CO2-derived products and emerging technologies around CCU. Our analysis answered several of our client’s critical business questions including::

The development and market deployment of CCU technology can become a major contributor in low carbon economy. How can energy players scale up in CCU technologies?
  • What are the existing and future technologies for CCU?
  • What is the addressable market for CO2-derived products?
  • Who are the existing competitors, and which applications do they cater? What is their existing business model? And, what is their IP strategy?

FutureBridge conducted extensive primary and secondary research to gain insights on the demand for CO2-derived products and the addressable CCU market. Our research included:

  • Identification of CCU technologies such as electrochemical, catalytic, biological, mineralization, photocatalytic and photosynthetic
  • Identification of the key technical specifications/ parameters required for CO2-derived product for chemical intermediates, fuels, enhanced photosynthesis, mineral carbonization, and EOR
  • Assessment of current and forecasted demand for CCU products such as fuels, chemical intermediates, building materials, etc.
  • Evaluation of competitor’s existing business model.

FutureBridge further conducted Techno-economic assessment which helped the client in understanding technology gaps and need for innovation across specific areas.Also, FutureBridge provided the analysis of existing commercial CO2-derived products and their performance.

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