Home Technology Landscape of Renewable Energy Mix and Energy Storage Technologies

Quick overview

Renewable energy storage yet being in the evolution phase, our client, a producer of nitrates, calcium nitrate, ammonia, and phosphates, wanted us to evaluate the various large-scale energy storage technologies available across the globe and also identify the best-fit energy storage technologies ideal for the select geographies.

Client success details

The support and insights FutureBridge delivered, helped our client in understanding the various aspect of the energy storage solution market in key geographies. Our analysis answered several of our client’s critical business questions including:

Large-scale renewable energy storage is a relatively new technology, rapidly growing due to its less GHG emissions. How can an RE storage player identify best energy storage technology and suitable geography for production?
  • What are the various technologies used for large-scale energy storage projects (under Chemical, Electrochemical, and Thermal energy storage systems)?
  • What are the various regulatory policies in different geographies influencing the development of renewable energy and storage?

FutureBridge conducted extensive research to gain insights on major energy storage technologies across the globe and key geographies mentioned by the client. Our research included:

  • Analysis of the technologies used for large scale energy storage systems for various applications
  • Comparison between various technologies on the basis of technical parameters such as energy storage capacity, discharge time, response time, lifetime, etc.
  • Mapping of energy storage technology with the renewable energy sources in key geographies
  • Various completed and ongoing projects of energy storage solutions and their parameters in these geographies

FutureBridge further carried out a deep analysis of policies and regulations related and cost involved for energy storage solutions in key geographies. Also, FutureBridge identified the best fit technology for the key geographies and key providers of energy storage solution technology.

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