Technology Foresight for Smart Freezers
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Across industries, there is an increasing focus on offering a customer-oriented value proposition. The F&B industry is witnessing innovations at a rapid pace and companies are identifying newer techniques to engage their customers and enhance their brand awareness.
This engagement helped the client to understand the business impact of the upcoming innovations in the smart freezers segment. The following questions were answered during the engagement:
FutureBridge conducted extensive secondary and patent research. Also, 50+ telephonic interviews to understand the strategies to be adopted for engaging with customers. The output included the following
The client got an understanding of the technologies that will help to ‘minimize the time from a desire to fulfillment, ‘event-based demand prediction’, and ‘trend-based customer communication’.
The identified early signals gave an understanding of the potential impact on clients’ business, thereby helping in planning their future roadmap for the next 5–7 years.
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