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IVL Acquires Huntsman’s Chemical Intermediate and Surfactants Business

Indorama closes the largest-ever deal with Huntsman, valued at $2.1 billion On January 6, 2020, Thailand-based Indorama Ventures ...


Future of Net Energy Metering (NEM)

The Concept The Net Energy Metering (NEM) mechanism allows residential and commercial customers to generate their own electricity...

Mobility Connected Mobility

Over-the-Air Software Updates – Reaping Benefits for the Automotive Industry

Evolution of Over-the-air Software Updates in Automotive Over-the-Air (OTA) software updates refer to the wireless transfer—via...

Food and Nutrition Sustainable Value Networks

Food and Nutrition Industry Poised to Tap Emerging Technologies to Meet Sustainability Goals and User Demands In 2020

Consumers not only expect better-tasting and healthier food but also consider a brand’s sustainability efforts towards a greener...

Produced Water Management in Oil & Gas


Introduction Produced water is a naturally occurring water that comes to the surface along with oil & gas. It is a by-product...

Why did COP 25 Fail?


Background The “can do” attitude that emerged in COP 21, 2015, popularly known as the Paris Agreement, appeared as a distant ...

Open Charging Points

Mobility Electric Mobility

In this day and age of global competition, it is crucial for every company to provide a product or a service that stands out from ...

Why there is hope for the Auto Industry

Mobility Shared Mobility

It is increasingly clear that the automotive industry is in intermediate stages of a slowdown. But while contractions are a time...

Crude Oil-to-Chemicals: Future of Refinery


What is all the Buzz about Crude-to-Chemicals? Crude oil is a primary source of energy, and oil refining is a key aspect of the g...

Corrosion Management in Oil & Gas


Introduction to Corrosion and its Impact Corrosion is a naturally occurring phenomenon where a metal deteriorates due to chemical...

Cabin Air Filtration

Mobility Sustainability

Introduction More and more individuals worldwide are suffering from the effects of air pollution, thereby propelling the automoti...

Smart Road Infrastructure

Mobility Connected Mobility

More and more individuals worldwide are suffering from the effects of air pollution, thereby propelling the automotive...

Methane Emissions: Is Measuring it a Real Challenge?


Why detect methane leaks, it is just another gas? Methane is a great energy source that burns much cleaner than other gases, prov...

Direct Air Capture: How Start-ups are Shaping the Decarbonized Future


Introduction Under the Paris Agreement, signed and implemented in 2016, Parties (nations) to the United Nations Framework Convent...