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Mobility Electric Mobility

TDD | Alternative Fuels – H2 2019

Continuous and sustained efforts by all the pertinent stakeholders are shaping the Alternative Fuels landscape. Alternate fue...

Mobility Electric Mobility

Executive Lens | Battery Energy Storage -H1 2020

Summarized insights for Battery Energy Storage w.r.t. trends in technology, market, and players....

Mobility Connected Mobility

Digital Cockpit – Players Ecosystem and Innovation Focus

Automotive industry is going through a transition phase, where the mobility participants are forced to focus and invest in...


Behind-the-Meter Energy Storage for Grid Balancing Services

Growth of Behind-the-Meter Energy Storage Market The penetration of energy storage in the power sector is continuously increasing...

Bulletin | Passenger Monitoring – Sept 2020

Mobility Connected Mobility

September 2020 saw a high number of technology launches in Driver Monitoring Systems aiming not only at improvements in mitigation...

Bulletin || Advanced Drilling Technology – June 2020


In the current issue we cover: Silicon quantum dots based nanofluids for enhanced oil recovery (ultra-small sized silicon qua...

Bulletin || Advanced Drilling Technology July 2020


What's inside. Novel nanoparticles for EOR process - (graphene oxide (N-(1-naphthyl) ethylenediamine)) (G-NEA) High molecu...

Green Ammonia for Energy Storage


Energy Storage Technologies The renewable energy is playing an important role in transitioning to the decarbonization of the enti...

Upcoming Digital Technologies – Impact on the Transmission & Distribution sector


Transmission and distribution (T&D) of electricity have evolved step by step in more than 100 years. The current use of digita...

Recyclable Packaging & Consumers

Food and Nutrition

Waste Management Overview Plastic Waste Management Crisis Conventional solutions for plastic waste management are inadequate, ...

5 Tech Start-ups Reimagining the Future of Food

Food and Nutrition

Start-ups are finding the space between traditional brands and categories and are helping to solve real challenges in the food and...

ADAS | Bulletin April 2020

Mobility Connected Mobility

What’s inside? 1.What self-driving cars are doing in the midst of Covid-19 & its post-pandemic impact 2.Key industrial dev...

Bulletin || Advanced Drilling Technology – May 2020


Coverage in this issue includes: Stabilization of CO2 foams using 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) surface-modified nanos...

ADAS In Commercial Vehicles

Mobility Connected Mobility

In this issue we are covering: Activities of 4key commercial vehicle manufacturers in ADAS and higher autonomy Tesla, Da...