Home Methane Emissions Measurement: Technology Assessment and Competition Landscape

Quick overview

Our client, an integrated oil & gas company,  wanted to identify suitable technology partners for methane emission measurement and detection.

Client success details

The support and insights FutureBridge delivered helped our client in understanding the best practices adopted by peers which assisted the client in plugging-in technology and knowledge gaps in its existing strategy. Our analysis answered several of our client’s critical business questions including:

Reducing methane emission will protect human health, crop yields and many economic and development benefits. How can an oil and gas player assess its technological competitive position in Methane Emissions Measurement?
  • Which players are offering methane emission measurement services and how do oil & gas players procure them?
  • What is the working principle of the underlying technology?
  • What are the benchmarking parameters for comparing these technologies? And how do these technologies perform when compared with each other on the basis of detection, locating the leak, quantification, concentration measurement, flux measurement, etc.?

FutureBridge conducted extensive primary and secondary research to derive information related to methane emission measurement. Our research included:

  • Identification of technologies that can detect and measure methane emissions, vectors (drone, fixed installation, etc.) that can support the deployment of such technology
  • Identified key partnerships, collaborations, and consortiums that the peers have joined for developing solutions around methane emission measurement
  • Identified the projects implemented for methane emission measurement and performed a deep dive to understand the algorithm deployed, the vector used, measurement capabilities, technology developer

FutureBridge further provided insights on solutions that are predominantly used by major players and their capabilities and underlined the competitor’s road map for methane emission handling. Also, FutureBridge’s peer benchmarking will help the client in taking a decision whether to invest stand-alone or join any consortium to tackle methane emission challenges.


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